Monki is a purpose driven brand that aims to empower young women to empower the world. Monkis store concept vision is to co-create circular, value driven store formats that builds strong relations with our community in environments exploring the imaginative Monkiworld. Shared projects are developed together with my team, selected images highlighting my focus areas.
The concept launch of the Monki future store, the Dreamweavery. An animated RGB logo on the facade invites you into the entrance room with a big screen canvas, a totem installation that can easily be adapted over time and above the escalators are suspended Globias with pulsating light. Downstairs is filled with new interior developed with circularity and portability in mind. This is also the first store where we introduce a Community area, the Vulva mirror and vinyl artworks on mirrors inspired by moods and boobs that welcome all as they are. Opened in Stockholm, September 2022.
Photos by Fredrik Sveger, layout render